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9 Oct 2024

Mapping the Digital Jungle: How British Companies are Transforming their Marketing Approaches

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When almost everyone walks around with a phone in their palm and when the world can be seen at a glance through social media platforms, companies cannot operate without digital marketing. From the street sellers of London to the fishermen of Cornwall, a growing number of British companies are extending their tender to the world of digital media. However, let’s define digital marketing first of all and understand why it has turned out to be a global priority for numerous businesses in the United Kingdom.

In its broadest sense, digital marketing can be defined as any marketing communication process that uses electronic media ‘tools’. As it is in the context of this piece indicates, it is the ability to reach your targeted clientele base in the most appropriate platform and at this era, that place is the internet. It is a platform that enables businesses to talk to their target customers at specific platforms that the customer spends majority of his time such as social sites, email, search engines, and other sites.

The beauty of digital marketing I have learned is that it is very flexible. In the case of the Manchester based small bakery, it may imply using Instagram to post pictures of beautifully baked delicious cakes, breads, and many others. In the case of a tech start-up in Cambridge it could include writing blog posts that are educative in order to create a platform as an authority in the given industry. For a given national retailer, it has the potential to include SEO, PPC advertising, and every successful email marketing campaigns.

This is one of the reasons that make digital marketing a good option for the British businesses because it makes it easier to compete. Earlier phases ere marked by difficulties faced by the small companies to match the marketing budgets set by large corporations. However, the marketing has been made open by the digital platforms to accommodate all forms of businesses to get into the markets all over the world. A small store selling clothes located in one of the southerner part of England specifically in Brighton can now effectively market and sell their products to a group mostly consisting of fashion lovers in Birmingham or even Berlin.

But, it is not simply about the audience size but impact on the right target group. In conventional marketing tactics, one makes an attempt to access as many people as possible in the hope that several of them will be interested. Digital marketing, on the other hand, enable marketers to develop targeted campaigns. Such tactics as behavioural targeting and retargeting allow to achieve exposing the certain message to the target clients only. Just think about how effective it would be to be able to advertise your umbrellas only to people in certain regions of the country during the rainy season – that is the potential of which digital marketing is capable.

However, the most important unique selling point of digital marketing could be its efficiency and prescriptive capability. According to the words of John Wanamaker, one of the pioneers of modern marketing, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half. ” This problem is one of the biggest that digital marketing solves. Resources such as Google analytics can be used in identifying the performance of the campaign and this will enable the marketers to see what aspect they need to continue executing and what aspect they need to discard due to its non-performance. This helps the businesses earn high revenues in their operations because the strategies adopted for their operations can be tweaked to better fit their operations.

I mean, of course, the approaches and trends of digital marketing are changing year by year and even month by month. It is widely understood that the approaches applicable the last year may not be as efficient at the present time. Let me explain this using an example of voice search; Since the number of UK citizens, who use smart speakers and voice assistants, increases, the content has to be properly aligned with conversational search queries. Here we can mention the trends again: there is an evident tendency at young audiences to rely on video content, whether it be TikTok or YouTube, video only increases its importance for reaching certain audiences.

There are also social factors influencing the development of digital marketing and one of them is privacy. Many modern laws and policies such as GDPR or the continuous elimination of third-party cookies dictate that marketers have to look for other legal ways of collecting and utilising customer data. This shift is thus a move towards first party data and the need to ensue direct relationships with the consumers.

However, if the above challenges are overcome, then the returns from digital marketing are enormous. It’s not simply about offering goods and services for purchase but it is about establishing communities, cultivating loyalty and cultivating strong customer relations. An appropriate digital advertising approach creates accidental viewership of the product grows into brand devotees.

Thus, the basic rule for British companies that would like to at least test the waters of digital marketing is to begin with a minimal investment. Naïvely, it is advisable to begin with an understanding of the target audience and the place where he/she spends his or her time in the internet space. It is advisable to concentrate on providing useful and entertaining content that consumers of this site are interested in. Don’t be hesitant to try new strategies – even the best digital marketing strategies enable you to try out new methods and observe their impact on your business.

To sum up, this is not the option which people consider digital marketing as a trend or even as a luxury, but as an indicator of the existence of any successful contemporary company. It will be seen that there is significant scope for the growth of British businesses through the use of digital media channels in the future world that is highly competitive in nature. Digital revolution is now real and it is high time that the United Kingdom started leading a shift towards the use of technology in conducting business.

20 Sep 2024

The importance of SEO in today’s fast paced business world

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Northampton is an historical city that can be found in the region of the East Midland of England, but as the present day world is looking forward and aspiring to excel the place itself also holds high aspirations. As local businesses strive to make their mark in an increasingly digital world, one tool has become indispensable: Otherwise commonly referred to as Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO. But ;what is SEO and why everyone in Northampton should pay attention to it for their business to succeed?

By definition, SEO is the process of optimising the website content to rank high on search engine result pages. Whenever people searching for different products or services they want within Northampton or any other place, SEO makes sure that your business is in the first place. Being popular now is not enough, it’s about being popular to the right people at the right time.

It is quite challenging for organisations to get the attention of their target audience when these institutions are fishing in the different and diverse economic ponds of Northampton ranging from shoe manufacturing to the financial services sectors. Whether you own an online shop in the Cultural Quarter or a hi-tech business in the Brackmills Industrial Estate, it is possible to realize that, despite the vigorous competition with large firms, effective SEO can act as a great equalizer.

However, it is important to understand that SEO is not a universal tool and therefore it may or may not work for everyone. One cannot compare the strategies requiring for a London incorporated company with the one which is a Northampton company. Local SEO measures are very relevant since they assist you reach certain areas like Abington, Kingsthorpe, or Duston. Localisation is another objective since when your website is properly optimised for the relevant keywords, it will attract more customers to your bricks and mortar store and help create a solid client base.

Another advantage of SEO is that of the fact that SEO is relatively cheaper as compared to other marketing techniques. When compared to the conventional marketing approaches, SEO is highly effective and guarantees a high ratio of gain, while its effects are long lasting. This is especially beneficial for the numerous small & medium scale companies that are the mainstay of Northampton’s economy.

However SEO is not that type of profession where it has set rules and regulations to be followed. Google alone tweaks its search algorithms hundreds of times a year, which means that, to stay relevant, one has to be knowledgeable and committed. It is at this juncture that services of professional SEO in Northampton come in handy.

It is also important to mention that SEO Northampton is not only about gaining new clients, it is also about keeping the old ones. An optimised website helps the consumer with good navigation, so those people who want to find some information or buy products or services. This enhanced use experience may translate into a corresponding improvement in customer satisfaction and hence loyalty which is valued highly in every business.

Looking to the future, there’s only set to be an increasingly greater emphasis placed on SEO for businesses in Northampton. Currently there are underpinning development works taking place such us north Innovation Centre and expansion of the university of Northampton. Looking into this aspect, the need for an powerful online presence will be arguably important in this era.

Overall, SEO is not only a marketing philosophy but a strategic business needed for enterprise performance in the digital environment. To Northampton’s active and eclectic business population, learning how SEO works is quite literally the difference between prosperity and stagnation amid a tougher market. Through SEO and engaging the local practitioners, different business entities in Northampton should not only be on par with the prevailing change in the current digital world, but also be leading it. Northampton’s retail and consumer economy in the next decade is set to go online, and the local business has the potential to leap forward from the future of SEO.

4 Jan 2023

Do you have what it takes to become a web developer?

Posted by Catherine. Comments Off on Do you have what it takes to become a web developer?

The job of a web developer can be very varied. You may work for one company on their own website or you may work for an agency where you develop multiple websites for their clients. It can be a very highly paid job and quite rewarding at times but it certainly isn’t always a breeze. Although you don’t have to have any formal qualifications to become a web developer, lots of people decide to do a degree in it to give them that head start. Rather than starting out as a junior they may be able to go into a more experienced role.

Often you will find that you are put under pressure to get the work done to a certain deadline. This may mean working late into the night or early starts. Sometimes a job that should have been straightforward and simple can turn in to a bit of a nightmare. If you have other jobs that you were supposed to get done, then they may have to wait until the following day or it may mean you need to put in some extra hours to catch up.

You may decide to be a self employed developer, getting your own clients but if you are not very good at the design or sales side of the business, you may wish to collaborate with others.

9 Jun 2022

Mobile Marketing – what does it mean for your business?

Posted by Catherine. Comments Off on Mobile Marketing – what does it mean for your business?

Because mobile phones generate so much traffic to a website, having a mobile marketing plan is critical to the success of your digital marketing campaign. Adapting your digital strategy for mobile simply entails identifying and bringing crucial parts of your marketing efforts to your users’ mobile devices.

Mobile marketing is basically the promotion of products, services, and mobile apps using mobile devices such as smartphones.

Its most significant benefit is that it establishes a personal connection between the advertiser and the audience, with several customising choices.

The popularity of smartphones has dramatically transformed how consumers access information and shop throughout the years. New types of marketing have risen to the top as a result, and many believe that mobile marketing has ushered in a massive shift in the advertising industry.

Mobile marketing was once thought to be an add-on to traditional digital marketing that targeted desktop consumers. There is no denying that mobile phones have surpassed desktop computers as the most popular mode of communication.

Another benefit of mobile marketing is how simple it is to convert users. You can reach users in real time, even when they aren’t at home and when they are most willing to buy. In fact recent studies have shown 50% of users who made a local search from their smartphone ended up taking an action like visiting a store. As for users who made these searches from their desktops, only 39% ultimately took action.

29 Apr 2022

Making your website work for both mobile and desktop devices

Posted by Catherine. Comments Off on Making your website work for both mobile and desktop devices

So many people use mobile devices and tablets to browse the web these days that it is vital that your website works well on all different device sizes and browsers. Years ago, you only really needed to ensure that it worked well on Internet explorer and Firefox but since mobile devices have come on the scene there are now a huge number of additional browsers and screen sizes to consider. Google also take in to account how mobile friendly a website is when they use their algorithm to rank the site on the search engine result pages.

Although you can test your website on many different devices to get a true feel for how it looks and works, you can also use Google Search Console to check for compatibility issues. This will show you if font is too small or if clickable elements are too close together for example. This can help build a better website. It may be that you program the site in such a way that some elements are not visible or work in a different way on smaller screens as they just may not be needed on mobile devices. You may also want to consider creating an app for people to download and use on mobile devices instead of using the website.

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  • The importance of SEO in today’s fast paced business world

    SEO is the process of optimising the website content to rank high on search engine result pages. SEO Northampton is not only about gaining new clients, it is also about keeping the old ones. An optimised website helps the consumer with good navigation, so those people who want to find some information or buy products or services.
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    Go Digital and Get Creative

    There’s a lot of creativity involved in digital marketing. Whether you’re creating an engaging online content marketing campaign, an infographic for a social media promotion or a traffic focused SEO campaign, there’s always room for creativity. That said, if you have excellent design skills and you’re brimming with creative ideas, you mustn’t forget the target audience, otherwise you may be wasting your time.

    Creating a BulletProof Web Design

    There are many different design trends that come and go, and if you want to save time and money you have to think carefully about your next website before you put it live for the world to see. A website design in Northampton could include parallax sections, a full width slider across the top, a responsive layout and flat icons and graphics. In time, however, you might fancy making some changes, and that’s why should think ahead when you’re creating a new site. Every element should be carefully planned, and then fully tested on a range of devices.